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The Influence of Video Games

As the world turns more cyber savvy than ever, video games have become a key part of many children's lives. But how can video games affect their career choices or even prepare them for real world experiences?

When you hear the word "gamer," what comes to mind? It conjures up ideas of gaming addiction and bad habits in the minds of many people. However, this isn't always the case. In actuality, most gamers are well-prepared to face life's hardships and attain professional success.

This is because the games we play generally mirror the challenges we confront in our professional lives. Games are made to put us to the test and force us to adapt in order to overcome obstacles, such as logical problems and other players. Employees that play video games at work have been shown to increase productivity and improve team culture. Video games are a terrific method to build the skills needed for success, and they may soon become the way we network.

Life Skills

"The signature finding [in video game studies] is enhanced self-efficacy [through playing video games]," says game creator and researcher Dr. Jane McGonigal. Self-efficacy is a crucial component of obtaining success since it comes when we believe we can accomplish something successfully. The beauty of self-efficacy is that it transcends settings and gives you confidence in a variety of areas.

Team Work

In most online games, you'll be asked to work together with your teammates to achieve a common goal. In Clever Play's Operation Tango, two players must utilize verbal communication to work together to stop an evil web network.

While performing hard tasks like codebreaking, the game requires you to speak correctly. Throughout the game, each player has a separate display on their screen, and a large part of the problem is explaining what each other sees so that your buddy can make the proper inputs on their end. The advantage is obvious: by cooperating in a computer game like Rocket League, you gain valuable experience talking under duress and accomplishing duties as part of a team.


Volunteering, putting in extra effort, cooperating, following rules and procedures, and adopting organizational goals are the five behaviors most typically associated with professional success according to the American Psychological Association. Unsurprisingly, top video game players attribute their success to these similar characteristics.

For example, Riot Games' League of Legends is a competitive online battle arena game that offers practice modes and unranked battles to help players improve their skills. Players can practice for ranked matches while developing their map awareness, training their responses, and improving their strategies in various modes. League of Legends allows players to establish the habits necessary for success in the profession and to create resilience when confronted with difficult or daunting problems.

Gaming represents a wonderfully diverse industry that requires input from a multitude of professions, research backgrounds, and life experiences. In Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed: Origins, video game directors took incredible measures to recreate an accurate representation of ancient Egypt. They employed massive teams of people to visit locations, create 3D models, interview experts, and write detailed, realistic characters. The gaming industry employs folks from all kinds of different fields and professional backgrounds.

As playing videogames incorporates you into a new world with different challenges it also gives you a clear idea of who you wanna be in the future whether its in the gaming industry or any other one having played video games can help you achieve your goals.

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