Plan, Piece Together, and Play Study Games
Keep your mind sharp over the summer by creating a game that will ask quick-fire math questions specifically designed by you. We will be using Javascript to code in Blocksmith.

Jul 22, 2021, 5:00 PM – 6:15 PM
15 min - Blocksmith Setup and Basics
15 min - Scene Setup and Inspector
30 min - Scripting and Testing
15 min - Polishing and Finalizing
15 min - Show and Tell
What Students Learn
We will be using Blocksmith to create spawners that fire random targets with math facts.
What Students Create
A fun way to study! And not just for math.
Real-World Application
Keeps your mind sharp in mathematics.
What's Next
When it is time to study for a test, you can use this game you created for any subject. Yes, it is possible to have fun while studying!
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