How to Create Awesome Blender Effects
Blender has a whole bunch of awesome effects and physics applications that we'll be exploring with this class.

May 11, 2021, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
15 min - Class and Blender Introduction
15 min - Effects Walkthrough
15 min - Physics Walkthrough
15 min - Student Application and Testing
What Students Learn
Blender Tool Usage
Physics Principles
Blender Best Practices
What Students Create
A scene utilizing physics, effects, or both that shows their understanding of Blender concepts.
Real-World Application
Visual effects are common in almost every form of media, having an understanding of the way they are built is very valuable knowledge for students. Also, being able to program physics will save time when creating animations that involve them.
What's Next
Students can continue learning in other classes and use what they've learned to create awesome additions to animations.
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